New assets!

As I said in my last blog post, its been a busy few weeks. As we keep expanding the game, we are able to add to the overall task list in the game. That being said, I got a good chunk of assets completed and imported this week for the new tasks. With a majority of the new assets built and ready to be implemented, I will actually be able to take a step back and work on another project the office mayhem team has going. I wont talk about it much here, but I will be sure to cover all of the new work in the coming blog post. All I can say its back in the marketing materials realm, and its a very exciting step for both my personal college career, and for the team as a whole.

So to jump into what I did for this week, there were a lot of asset reworks. The two major reworks were the outbox and the computer. For the outbox, it was a basic redesign in order to increase the readability in game. The computer on the other hand was a bit more of a hassle. Due to the distance of the camera from the actual play space, there was a lot of artifacting on the detailed parts of the model. Its because of that, that I made it my focus on reworking most of the computer model. I did my best to maintain the overall look while removing a lot of the unnecessary detailing. Overall, I would say many of the reworks came out fairly well and are looking pretty good in engine.

As for the new assets, I worked on a server tower, bathroom door, and the entire office mayhem alphabet. The server and the bathroom door faced some challenges due to harsh camera angle, but overall they came out well. The alphabet as a whole wasn't very difficult, it was just fairly time consuming to build and organize. All of that being said, it has been a very productive two weeks, and i'm happy to see my new assets already making their way into the build. Really looking forward to the next blog post, so untill then!
